Friday, 15 April 2011

The Best Sleeping Posture

Finding the correct sleeping posture is critical to your over-all health. More than likely you're sleeping approximately one-third of your life away; therefore, it's imperative to acquire good posture while sleeping.
Far too often, most people think about posture while sitting, standing or walking. But, sleeping is just as important if not more. It's during that sleep time the body rejuvenates and the spine has the opportunity to align in a healthy position provided your sleeping posture is correct.
According to Dr. Isogai, a Japanese doctor who developed a proven back therapy program to promote a healthy spine, says that sleeping on your back is healthy for the spine. While in this horizontal sleeping posture your spine has the best ability to align itself naturally. Granted, sometimes one's back may be so out of place that merely lying on the back cannot adjust the spine correctly. If that's the case, you'll need to participate in some exercises to promote the healthy curvature of your spine.
There are also additional techniques that can be added during a nights sleep to reinforce a good sleeping posture. I use these techniques daily to promote the healthy curvature of my spine. I learned these proven techniques from Dr. Isogai while I was recovering from a broken back. His techniques cured me from a serious back ailment.
Meanwhile, I encourage you to do the best you can to sleep on your back. Invest in a good firm mattress, it'll pay off down the road. We purchased a memory foam mattress pad from Costco and simply put it on our existing mattress. It's an inexpensive approach yet provides a quality means to acquire a good mattress for sleeping.

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